How to Sign In
Follow the steps in this guide to get signed in to Street Food App
You can sign in using either this website or the iPhone app. You will use your food truck's Twitter account to sign in. If you have any difficulty signing in, send us a message and we'll do our best to help you get up and running quickly.
Using this website
1. Click the Sign In link at the top-right of this page
2. You will be taken to the Twitter website to sign in to your food truck's Twitter account
3. Follow the instructions on the Twitter website to sign in, then click the Authorize app button
Post your schedule
After signing in to the Street Food App website, you'll be taken directly to a page where you can add events to your schedule.
Using the iPhone app
1. First, download Street Food App for iPhone.
2. Launch the app
3. Tap the little button at the top-right, above the map
4. Tap the Sign In button
Post your schedule
After signing in to Street Food App for iPhone, you can post events to your schedule directly from the app.
1. Launch the app
2. Go to the List tab
3. Find your food truck in the list, and tap to open it
4. Tap the Edit button at the top-right of the screen
5. Add events to your schedule